Monday, May 10, 2010

We have begun!

We have just finished the first week of our production month and the energy and creativity is AMAZING!!

There has been lots to learn and do; everything from setting up the kitchen, planning meals and menus, working out a cleaning schedule ("did they teach me this is theatre school/theological college??") to improv, drumming circles, establishing group covenants, exploring characters, sharing the stories we gathered from interviews and more!  Dennis Hayes from Toronto spent a fantastic afternoon with us as we shared stories and told many of his own to help us begin the process of distilling all of this into a 75 minute show.

Meanwhile, we're learning to live and create together, feeding off each other's energy, learning about boundaries and grace and (as can be expected) laughing a LOT!

One piece of sad news - on the weekend we had to say goodbye to one of our cast members.  For personal reasons, Michael made the tough decision to return home for the summer.  We're thinking of him and look forward to seeing him when the tour swings through Saskatoon in July.  Blessings Michael!  Thanks for your love and energy.


1.  'Look Mom, we ARE eating our vegetables!'  Life at Cronyn House, our home at Huron University College
2.  Concentration through Big Booty
3.  Peter inspires JD and Melissa to great creativity in an improv game called "Duck Duck WHAT?"
4.  Every margarine tub needs a face
5.  Jenny's opening session - 'what IS theatre?'

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