Sunday, July 4, 2010


Well, we've had our show in Winnipeg, now we're just kicking around for an extra day or so until we move on to Russell Manitoba.

Overall I would say Winnipeg has been fairly good to us, despite the intense heat and mutant mosquitoes,  I've really enjoyed my time here.  Seeing old friends, making new ones, and getting to see a lot of the city, especially when we take our "scenic routes".

On the day of our nation's birth, several of the cast drove out to Lower Fort Gary, explored the grounds and saw how people once lived.  I think working at a fort like that, in costume as a character from the time would be a fun summer job, but of course, it can't compare to my summer job right now!  After a lovely dinner with friends, we took in the fireworks, although some of us got absolutely eaten alive by mosquitoes.

Our show yesterday was at an awesome theatre, with a nice big stage where we had lots of room, something we're not quite used to anymore, but we made the most of it.  The audience was phenomenal and I felt a bit like royalty at the end, as we all got flowers from the same man who made the Queen's bouquets!

Keeping our flowers cool in the fridge so they don't wilt in the heat!

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